The prize-giving took place on 17th April at the Storehouse, Foulis. Prizes were presented after our Annual Dinner with an excellent meal enjoyed by all.
Top Prize-winners for 2022-2023 are :
Photographer of the Year - The Lochluichart Cup, and Monthly Competition Advanced Projected Image - The Stirling Trophy:- Keith Barnes (not present in photo).
Monthly Competition General Projected Image - The President’s Quaich - Bruce White
Natural History Projected Image - Mountrich Trophy, Best Projected Portfolio (sequence) - SPF Anniversary Trophy, Annual Competition Top Projected Image - The Burness Trophy :- Jim Biscoe
Best Projected Portfolio (print equivalent with hanging plan) - Eagle House Trophy - Mark Janes
Winners from left to right are:
Alan Fraser, Bruce White, Joyce White, Andrew James, John Fenwick, Ian Biscoe, Caroline Biscoe, Mark Janes